A few little stories I want to get written down before they are gone from my memory!
*Last week we were driving home from school and Jed says that he doesn't want to go to school tomorrow. I tell him just 2 more days then he will have a 3 day weekend. He says, "Oh, yeah, it's that King Juniors birthday." I say, "Yes, Martin Luther King Jr. Do you know what he did?" Jed replies, "Uh, he used big words and had a dream." I burst out laughing, "yes, he did." We later explained a bit more about why we celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day. On Sunday night, he wanted to know how we were going to celebrate Martin Luther King's birthday...sorry buddy, no birthday cake at our house!
*Blakley is totally infatuated with horses, so Justin rented her "Flicka" the movie with Tim McGraw. Well, I was getting ready to go to bunco Friday night and she was watching it in the playroom when all of a sudden she comes running to me sobbing. I thought she was hurt or sick, and through her sobs she tells me that Flicka was killed by a Mountain Lion. She was SO upset. Justin walks into the kitchen and I scolded him for getting her that movie. Well, it turned out that Flicka did not die, and recovered, so Blakley was then able to finish it. I love that she is growing and maturing and able to have these emotions that she understands when something is sad.
Our best friends came to visit us from Lubbock this past weekend for Blakley's birthday. Emmy and Blakley are best friends, they played so great this weekend. Usually, they end up in some kind of argument or wrestling match on the floor. Not this weekend they played and giggled and talked...when it was time for them to leave both girls cried. It was so sweet.
*Today we were walking down an aisle at Walmart, trying to get all on my list--which is quite a task with my sweet little Jadyn roaming around in her own little world she made some intellegent comment, then said, "Am I smart?" Justin said, "yes, you are." then Blakley chimes in, "Jadyn got her talent from me" Justin and I giggled over that.
*Tomorrow my little girly girl turns 5. I can't believe it. 5 years ago tonight we had our friends Tim and Carrie King over to eat pizza and watch American Idol auditions. As I did not go into labor with Jed (just induced) she was explaining to me what it felt like to actually go into labor. When they were leaving I stood up and swear I felt a contraction.....Carrie predicted I would be going to the hospital that night. Well, I didn't. The morning came and I woke up with a terrible urge to clean out Jed's closet. So, there I am in my comfy clothes. I bend over to pick up a box of outgrown clothes and a gush comes pouring down my leg. Justin is at work. I kinda go, could this be my water breaking? I call my doctor first, asking if this indeed is my water breaking. The nurse assures me it is, and instructs me to get to the hospital. Well, I hadn't showered, I hadn't eaten any lunch (and experience from Jed told me I needed to eat before I get there, because they certainly weren't going to let me eat). I asked the nurse if I could quickly get ready. She advised against it, but I did anyway. Then I called Justin at the church office. Well, he was not as excited as I was. The staff was walking out the door to go eat lunch at PF Changs--which had JUST opened (This is a big deal for J --PF and Pei Wei are by far his favorites!) So, this is how our phone conversation went:
"Hey, you need to come home"
"My water broke and we need to get to the hospital"
"Right now? Can't you wait an hour or so? I'm on my way to PF Changs"
"Are you sure?"
"OK, I'll be home in a bit"
Hang up....call mom to pick up Jed...head to the hospital, mom takes Jed to my inlaws and meets us at the hospital. Later my mother in law, Justin's aunt and grandmother, my mom and dad all show up. We hang out in the room, time to push and I make everyone leave the room. One push she's out. Everyone files back in.
Blaley's birth was special in that it was the only one of our four kids that was born in Albuquerque. The only birth that we got to have our families there with us. It was a blessing. Very fitting that Blakley was born with my Dad present--he did not have any sons to pass on the family name, but this little baby girl would carry the name on.
I can't believe it's been 5 years--time has literally flown by. She's growing up, getting big girl feet,heading off to kindergarten in the fall. My, it will be soon when she will be having her own baby....wow.
Happy Birthday Blakes, I love you!
Getting the Christmas Tree
1 month ago
That made me teary-eyed. And, let's not marry Blakley off too soon!!!
That is so sweet. I cry when I think about my boys getting older.
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